Receive encouragement walking through specific challenges in your life, as well as receive help strengthening your prayer life and going through Freedom Prayer that addresses negative patterns (lies, sins, negative emotions).
Go through our 10-month course on what it looks like to go deep in intimate, daily prayer with God. This course runs annually from August to May.
Learn the foundational aspects of believing in Jesus and how to connect with Jesus in prayer/Bible.
Joining a small group is the easiest and most powerful way to connect at church. In group, we discuss the current Sunday morning teachings, hear how each other is doing, and pray for one another.
Sundays 11:45 am-1:15 pm- We only have one small group. We meet immediately after Sunday service with a shared lunch (each person brings a side to share). During group, kids eat and play together separately as parents take turns supervising them.
Getting involved in the Prayer Room is a great way to connect to the church's mission and grow friendships with others. Go to the Prayer Room Page to see where you can serve and how we can equip you. We want everyone to understand the prayer room's mission and find a consistent place to be involved.